Chapter 11: State Equipped Scanner


In theory, the scanner simply divides a source line in tokens.   The parser then steps through the tokens branching as appropriate to compute the desired action.   It would seem that scanner and the parser could act independently.   But as usual with real world,  it does not work out that way.

It turns out that the scanner and parser have to work together.   The result for Ruby is a reasonably complex state machine driven scanner that feeds the parser to produce the correct result.   To be clear,  both the scanner and the parser manipulate the state variable of the scanner.   In other words, the scanner and the parser are talking to each other.

Concrete example

In many languages white-space outside string literals does not greatly effect the language.   Source lines are often terminated explicitly.   In 'C' a source line is terminated with a semi-colon ( ';' )  or the closing of a block (i.e. '}' ).

For Ruby the interpretation of a statement can change completely when additional tokens are processed.   The source fragment "a[i]" can be,  depending on context,  either an indexed variable  or a method call with implicit parenthesis's.

a[i] = 1                # a[i] = (1) - Index substitution 
a[i]                    # a([i])     - Method with implicit parameter.

This sort of dramatic change in interpretation occurs in Ruby because the language itself is has a very flexible syntax.   Ask yourself,  how many languages allow implicit parenthesis's?  

Ruby's flexible syntax means that a blank can change how a statement is interpreted by Ruby.  Consider the following two statements:

a + 1              # (a) + (1)
a +1               #  a (+1)

The first example is interpreted as: <variable> <op> <literal integer>.   The second is interpreted as: <method> <literal integer parameter>.   The same setup in 'C',  for example,  would be interpreted identically.

The bottom line is that the parsing and scanning is more complex with Ruby.   The following sections will attempt to break the scanner down into small enough pieces to be understood.

Function yylex()

The heart of the lexical scanner is yylex().   This function is often generated with the programs such as lex  or flex.   In the case of Ruby,  the complexity of this function necessitated a hand written State Equipped Scanner  that interacts the a Bison generated parser.

The following sections discuss the various scanner states and their functions.


The current state  of the scanner is maintained the variable lex_state.   It's declaration and the definition of it's enumerated states follows:

static enum lex_state {
    EXPR_BEG,        /* ignore newline, +/- is a sign.              */
    EXPR_END,        /* newline significant, +/- is an operator.    */
    EXPR_ARG,        /* newline significant, +/- is an operator.    */
    EXPR_CMDARG,     /* newline significant, +/- is an operator.    */
    EXPR_ENDARG,     /* newline significant, +/- is an operator.    */
    EXPR_MID,        /* newline significant, +/- is an operator.    */
    EXPR_FNAME,      /* ignore newline, no reserved words.          */
    EXPR_DOT,        /* right after `.' or `::', no reserved words. */
    EXPR_CLASS,      /* immediate after `class', no here document.  */
} lex_state;


The prefix 'EXPR_'  means expression.   It is used remind us that the scanner is a expression processing engine.

Specifically, EXPR_BEG indicates the beginning of the expression. EXPR_END indicates the end of the expression, EXPR_ARG before method arguments, and EXPR_FNAME before the name of the method (def, etc).

Rest of Chapter is Machine Translation

The prefix EXPR_ of expression, "expression". EXPR_BEG , "the head of the expression" However EXPR_DOT "during the ceremony, after the dot."

Specifically explain. EXPR_BEG is "the beginning of expression," it shows. EXPR_END "at the end of the expression" the war. EXPR_ARG "method of argument" Show. EXPR_FNAME is "( def and others) in the name of the method".飛ばexplanation After the analysis of them in detail.

By the way, lex_state shows that are "in parentheses after" "head sentence", rather it The addition of that information, so that the scanner rather than the state of the state like parser Feel. But the scanner is usually called the state. Why?

In fact, in this case, "state" is usually used "state" is a little different meaning. lex_state like "state" and the "state of the scanner would behave" Means. For example EXPR_BEG to precisely "We own head scanner Beginning of a sentence or salted cod to move like a state. "

In technical terms, use the scanner to see if the state machine and the state, say Be. But what is there to explain the topics are too hard to break away from the SU GIRU. Details of the structure of the data to the proper textbooks to read the見繕っ. KITAI.

state with a scanner reading

State with a scanner to read the tips at any one time and not win them all. Par Write for human services, with state does not want to use the scanner. It is only natural that I do not want to be the main topic of the process. So scanner The state management that is "associated with other parts of the trail as a bonus part" of There are many. That is the entire state transition scanner It's a beautiful picture of the whole thing from the beginning Existent.

What to do, and that the purpose-oriented and thorough It's a good read. "The Solve this part, "" to solve this problem, this code is Oh Of "the way the code to hack purpose. It's also the problem of interconnectedness And never to start thinking about the shot. Say again, that is from the original source of INODA.

Yet it is a certain amount of goals is necessary. Read with a scanner and the state KINO goal is for each state than any other state to know what it is to put Should be. For example EXPR_BEG What kind of state? It is an expression of the head and parser Of it. And so on.

static way

That is, how can I know? Three ways.

ATARIMAE the easiest way. For example EXPR_BEG of course, the beginning of something (Beginning) of what is expected, which they knew.

Cutting the state-token or change in the way of what is. And the ratio of real movement and Shown to all.

What kind of tokens from any state, or out of the transition. For example '\ n' after the Essential ZU HEAD , the status of the transition, it is sure to represent the beginning of the line Sure.

EXPR_BEG as an example to think. ruby If the state transition are all lex_state expressed in the assignment because it will ZU EXPR_BEG assignment grep in the wash. That's where it is then exported. For example yylex () -'#' and '*' and '!'…… and the like. And before the transition into consideration the state That's true if you consider what (Figure 1).

Figure 1: EXPR_BEG to transition

Oh I see, this is exactly the type of top-laden statement. Known. In particular '\ n' and ';'-tempered around it. And also open parentheses or comma From there, this statement is not only an expression would be the beginning.

dynamic way

With a more convenient way to ascertain the actual behavior. For example debugger yylex () on a hook lex_state easy to see.

Or source code to modify the output to a state of transition, while making it . lex_state If the assignment and the comparison is only a few patterns, which Tekito Variations in the strike they perceive as a transition to書き換えれI output. This is attached CD-ROM with a rubylex-analyser as a tool to Ta \ footnote ( rubylex-analyser : The accompanying CD-ROM tools / rubylex-analyser.tar.gz ). This document is needed while using this tool to explain it.

General steps include, first and debugger tools in the sort of movement Check out. And that information to determine the source code to see into the敷衍 Is good.

each state

lex_state briefly about the condition of it.

The tip of expression. \ n (([!?:, operator op = and immediately after. The most common condition.

Book word return break next rescue shortly after. Binomial operator * and & is disabled. The behavior of EXPR_BEG and the like.

The method calls part of the name of the method, they just might be, Or '[' shortly after. However EXPR_CMDARG location of the airport.

Usually the first method calls the format of the arguments before. For details, " do clash" section.

Is at the end of a sentence. For example, in parentheses after the literal. However EXPR_ENDARG , Except for one place.

EXPR_END special edition. tLPAREN_ARG respond immediately after a closed parenthesis. "The first argument parenthetical" section.

The name of the method. Specifically, def alias undef symbol ':' of Immediately after that. "` "name alone.

After the dot method calls. EXPR_FNAME and handling are similar. Book all languages are treated as just an identifier. '`' name alone.

Spanish Book class behind. The only condition is quite limited.

In summary,

Each representing a similar situation. EXPR_CLASS , but only a little special, Some places are very limited in the first place because they do not have to think about.

new line of control


Ruby's sentence need not necessarily end. C or Java, for example, be sure to end I have not put a semicolon is, Ruby does not need such things. The basic line in one sentence, so the line at liberty to the end of the sentence.

But on the other hand "is more clear," If the sentence is automatically continue to In the world. "Clearly there is more" state and the

And so on.


Such a grammar to achieve what? Simply scanner Skip a line break is not alone. Ruby as a reserved word in a sentence ends区切 In the C language grammar is not about the collision, tried it lightly, return , next , break , the method calls are cut back and通らなかったomitted parentheses. That's the end of a sentence is to leave the sign will not have some form of termination. That's \ n or ';' regardless of whether they simply mark the end of some Needed.

There are two solutions. That is parser or resolve or settle in the scanner. Parser would be resolved, \ n be allowed at all options \ n to rest Grammar kick like if I can write. If you settle in the scanner, \ n meaningful Where there is only \ n I pass a parser (skip other locations).

Whether to use is a question of taste, but usually respond to the scanner. The more you I have a small number, and what the rules are messing about good sign PASAJENERETA in the use of those means they are missing.

That's not to say in conclusion ruby new line is also dealing with the scanner. Successive lines When you want to continue \ n skip to the end you want \ n send as a token. That's yylex () here.

yylex () - '\ n'

3155 case '\ n': 
3156 switch (lex_state) ( 
3157 case EXPR_BEG: 
3158 case EXPR_FNAME: 
3159 case EXPR_DOT: 
3160 case EXPR_CLASS: 
3161 goto retry; 
3162 default: 
3163 break; 
3165 command_start = Qtrue; 
3166 lex_state = EXPR_BEG; 
3167 return '\ n'; 


EXPR_BEG EXPR_FNAME EXPR_DOT EXPR_CLASS , goto retry , That is meaningless because it skipped. Labels retry is yylex () giant switch of Before.

Others at the new line is meant to pass parser, incidentally lex_state and EXPR_BEG back. There is a new line means namely expr break So.

Also command_start for the time being and should be ignored. The first said, In many places at once and be sure to follow the confusion.

Specifically, let's look at some examples. It's accompanying analysis tools rubylex-analyser to use.

% Rubylex-analyser-e ' 
m (a, 
   b, c) unless i 
                                               0: cond push 
                                               0: cmd push 
                                               0: cond lexpop 
                                               0: cmd lexpop 
EXPR_ARG "\ n" \ n EXPR_BEG 

There are a lot of output, we need only to the left and center field. Left The field is yylex () before entering lex_state shows, and its token middle of the field The symbol.

The first token m The second argument before and b in front of the new line that \ n to toe Kung before the end of the stick and not come out as a symbol. lex_state is EXPR_BEG So.

But from the bottom of the second line \ n is at the end has emerged as a symbol. EXPR_ARG . .

So, if using. The other example I would just take a look at.

% Rubylex-analyser-e 'class 

Spanish Book class After the EXPR_CLASS new line, so is ignored. But superclass ceremony Object After the EXPR_ARG so \ n came.

% Rubylex-analyser-e 'obj. 
EXPR_ARG "\ n" \ n EXPR_BEG 

'.' after the EXPR_DOT so \ n were ignored.

By the way, class , but is supposed to be reserved words, why tIDENTIFIER in the future. To continue following paragraph.

reserved words the same methods name


Ruby is a reserved word in a method to use that name. However name of the method to use And a mouthful to say but there are some context,

The three could be used. Ruby is all this is possible. Each of the following Let us consider.

First, define the method has its own reserved words def likely to be preceded by, so we managed.

Method calls for the receiver to skip a lot of difficulty will be that of Of them, but further specification is not limited to, and those are not allowed. - Book word method means that if the name is never a receiver can not be omitted. Or Is that right Perth designed to be able to say what might be the .

And if the symbol is the termination symbol ':' behind, so I managed to通せ . However, in this case, but with the terms of the reservation ':' is a? B: c collision with a colon The problem. Even if you can get this resolved.

In both cases the two are also possible. That is resolved scanner SU Or resolution of the parser. If the resolution scanner, def and . and : Next to come Book word tIDENTIFIER (and) I do. Parser resolve, SOUI I write a thousand rules. ruby , three each of both depending on the occasion.

method definition

Methods defined portion of the name. This is the side deal with the parser.

▼ method defined rules

                 | KDEF fname 
                 | KDEF singleton dot_or_colon fname 

There are two methods defined rules represent only their usual media-specific definitions and methods Corresponds to the definition of sod. Both fname name is part of the fname is as follows: Definition.


                 | TCONSTANT 
                 | TFID 
                 | Op 
                 | Reswords 

reswords in terms of booking op is operator of two terms. Both rules are simply a symbolic end to all the ordinary Only because all omitted. Then tFID is gsub! and include? like ending A symbol of an eye.

method calls

Booking terms and call on the scanner same name method to deal with. Book scan the code word is the way they were.

Scan identifier 
result = (tIDENTIFIER or tCONSTANT) 

if (lex_state! = EXPR_DOT) ( 
     struct kwtable * kw; 

     / * See if it is a reserved word. * / 
     kw = rb_reserved_word (tok (), toklen ()); 
     Book word processing 

EXPR_DOT method is called after the dot, respectively. EXPR_DOT when the unconditional Book word processing off from the dot after the punctuation is reserved word tIDENTIFIER ? tCONSTANT said.


Book parser terms and symbols are both addressed in the scanner. First of all rules.


symbol: tSYMBEG sym 

sym: fname 
                 | TIVAR 
                 | TGVAR 
                 | TCVAR 

                 | TCONSTANT 
                 | TFID 
                 | Op 
                 | Reswords 

In this way, explicitly reserved word parser ( reswords ) to pass. This U can be used solely tSYMBEG is the only sign before the end of the symbol Is ':'だっor can not do so well. Conditional operator ( a? B: c ) and the collision Doomed. In other words level scanner tSYMBEG The point is to tell Particularly, remains unchanged.

How does the distinction between doing? Let's look at the implementation of the scanner.

yylex - ':'

3761 case ':': 
3762 c = nextc (); 
3763 if (c == ':') ( 
3764 if (lex_state == EXPR_BEG | | lex_state == EXPR_MID | | 
3765 (IS_ARG () & & space_seen)) ( 
3766 lex_state = EXPR_BEG; 
3767 return tCOLON3; 
3769 lex_state = EXPR_DOT; 
3770 return tCOLON2; 
3772 pushback (c); 
3773 if (lex_state == EXPR_END | | 
                   lex_state == EXPR_ENDARG | | 
                   ISSPACE (c)) ( 
3774 lex_state = EXPR_BEG; 
3775 return ':'; 
3777 lex_state = EXPR_FNAME; 
3778 return tSYMBEG; 


The first half if is ':' followed with two. When this principle is best left longest match Priority '::' to scan.

The next if is just the operator said conditions ':'. EXPR_END and EXPR_ENDARG is Both at the end of the ceremony, the argument is a symbol that is coming is impossible because…… Conditions operator ':' said. The following letter was space ( ISSPACE (c) ) even when it is a symbol Maybe because of the conditional operator.

And above that are not in either case, every symbol. In this case EXPR_FNAME transition to prepare for any method name. Perth is anything bother But no, this scanner is to forget the value of reserved words for me to pass the Calculating the value in the bend.

h2> qualifier


For example if to the regular and post-qualified the notations.

Usually notation # 
if cond then 

# Postposing 
expr if cond 

This is also the cause of the collision. Why is that, I knew this method also parentheses Back cause. For example, in this case.

call if cond then a else b end 

This equation is if until I read it in the next two to interpretation.

call ((if ....)) 
call () if .... 

If you are unsure what I have to try it, whether we go conflict. During grammar The kIF_MOD and kIF changing yacc handled it a try.

% Yacc parse.y 
parse.y contains 4 shift / reduce conflicts and 13 reduce / reduce conflicts. 

まくっstreet clashes with the attempt. If you have any interest yacc in -v options As the log, while reading in the world. Details of the crash or how to write.


Now, what do I do? ruby , normal if and kIF , the post- if to kIF_MOD as a symbol level (in other words, the scanner level) to distinguish between the Syscall-hooking. After置系other operators are identical, kUNLESS_MOD kUNTIL_MOD kWHILE_MOD kRESCUE_MOD in kIF_MOD of According to five. The decisions we are following him.

yylex - reserved words

4173 struct kwtable * kw; 
4175 / * See if it is a reserved word. * / 
4176 kw = rb_reserved_word (tok (), toklen ()); 
4177 if (kw) ( 
4178 enum lex_state state = lex_state; 
4179 lex_state = kw-> state; 
4180 if (state == EXPR_FNAME) ( 
4181 = rb_intern (kw-> name); 
4183 if (kw-> id [0] == kDO) ( 
4184 if (COND_P ()) return kDO_COND; 
4185 if (CMDARG_P () & & state! = EXPR_CMDARG) 
4186 return kDO_BLOCK; 
4187 if (state == EXPR_ENDARG) 
4188 return kDO_BLOCK; 
4189 return kDO; 
4191 if (state == EXPR_BEG) / *** *** here / 
4192 return kw-> id [0]; 
4193 else ( 
4194 if (kw-> id [0]! = Kw-> id [1]) 
4195 lex_state = EXPR_BEG; 
4196 return kw-> id [1]; 


This is because yylex at the end of the identifier after a scan. The last (most in Side) if in else is qualified to handle part of the child. EXPR_BEG whether to return value To see that change. This is qualified to determine whether the child. That is variable kw is Key. And kw is much…… and we go on, struct kwtable and Understandable.

struct kwtable is keywords defined in the structure, Hash function rb_reserved_word () is gperf would make it the In the previous chapter. Invite people to re-structure.

keywords - struct kwtable

    1 struct kwtable (char * name; int id [2]; enum lex_state state;); 


name and id [0] are illustrated. Italian names and symbols of the Book. The remaining members talk about.

First id [1] qualifier problem now is a symbol of support. For example if , kIF_MOD . Book version of Italian qualifier is not id [0] and id [1] is the same thing is going on.

And state is enum lex_state So, after I read the word reservation should be a state of transition. Let's keep that combination to the list. The output of my own making Tools kwstat.rb obtained. This is the accompanying CD-ROM. Ta \ footnote ( kwstat : The accompanying CD-ROM tools / kwstat.rb ).

% Kwstat.rb ruby / keywords 
---- EXPR_ARG 
defined? super yield 

---- EXPR_BEG 
and case else ensure if module or unless when 
begin do elsif for in not then until while 


---- EXPR_END 
BEGIN __FILE__ end nil retry true 
END __LINE__ false redo self 

alias def undef 

---- EXPR_MID 
break next rescue return 

---- Modifiers 
if rescue unless until while 

do clash


The format is iterator do in end and ( in ) There are two types. These two The difference in priority order, ( in ) it is much higher. It is a high priority Grammar units as "small", it is smaller than the rule . For example stmt well as expr and primary have access to. For example I used to be ( in ) iterator is primary , do in end iterator is < code> stmt was.

However, during a ceremony following the requests came.

m do .... end + m do .... end 

This is to allow do in end iterator arg and primary -money. But while is conditional expression expr , that is arg and primary , including, Here do conflict. Specifically, when the following.

while m do 

Look at the kind of do is while - do rightness of becoming so. Only And the common good of m do in end a tie is possible. And confuse people It is of yacc If you run into a certainty. In fact, let's do it.

/ * Do * collision experiments / 
expr: kWHILE expr kDO expr kEND 
     | TIDENTIFIER kDO expr kEND 

while , variable reference, a simple enumeration of only problem. This rule is conditional expression At the beginning of tIDENTIFIER is coming shift / reduce conflict cause. tIDENTIFIER to Reference to the variable do and while as a mark of the reduction, iterator do , it's Shift.

Worse shift / reduce conflict is a priority shift, so leave and do is Lee The TERETA do said. Or operator, saying it wants to turn reduction and other priorities and do of all It no longer shifts, do itself is not working. This means that all the problems pike The solution is no shield, do in end iterator expr operator without having to use the To write the rules of the scanner can only be resolved level.

But do in end iterator expr out is a very unrealistic. expr for the rule (that is arg and primary too) and repeat all IKENAKU. Therefore this problem is solved in a proper scanner.

level of resolution rules

The following rules related to a reduction.

do symbol

primary: kWHILE expr_value do compstmt kEND 

do: term 
                 | KDO_COND 

primary: operation brace_block 
                 | Method_call brace_block 

brace_block: '(' opt_block_var compstmt ')' 
                 | KDO opt_block_var compstmt kEND 

Here's looking at, while - do and iterator do terminated by different symbols. while is kDO_COND , will Iterators kDO . After the scanner I do distinguish.

symbolic level of resolution

The following is many times seen yylex the word processing part of the reservation. do that the process is here only because the code here See note on studying the criteria should be.

yylex - identifier - Pre-language

4183 if (kw-> id [0] == kDO) ( 
4184 if (COND_P ()) return kDO_COND; 
4185 if (CMDARG_P () & & state! = EXPR_CMDARG) 
4186 return kDO_BLOCK; 
4187 if (state == EXPR_ENDARG) 
4188 return kDO_BLOCK; 
4189 return kDO; 


What is messing about, kDO_COND related to only look at it. Because, kDO_COND and kDO / kDO_BLOCK a comparison, kDO and kDO_BLOCK . A comparison is meaningless, but the comparison is meaningless. Conditions are now do I can not even distinguish that, together with other conditions that do not follow.

In other words COND_P () is key.



COND_P () is parse.y defined near the beginning.


   75 # ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG 
   76 typedef unsigned LONG_LONG stack_type; 
   77 # else 
   78 typedef unsigned long stack_type; 
   79 # endif 
   81 static stack_type cond_stack = 0; 
   82 # define COND_PUSH (n) (cond_stack = (cond_stack <<1) | ((n) & 1)) 
   83 # define COND_POP () (cond_stack>> = 1) 
   84 # define COND_LEXPOP () do (\ 
   85 int last = COND_P (); \ 
   86 cond_stack>> = 1; \ 
   87 if (last) cond_stack | = 1; \ 
   88) while (0) 
   89 # define COND_P () (cond_stack & 1) 


- stack_type is long (32 bits) or long long (64 bits). cond_stack in Perth at the start of yycompile () initialized, and always after the macro To be handled through the macros do I know.

The macro COND_PUSH / POP to see that the unit's stack apparently bit integer Use it as.

MSB ← → LSB 
The initial value of 0 ... 0000000000 
... 0000000001 COND_PUSH (1) 
... 0000000010 COND_PUSH (0) 
... 0000000101 COND_PUSH (1) 
... 0000000010 COND_POP () 
... 0000000100 COND_PUSH (0) 
... 0000000010 COND_POP () 

And COND_P () is not the least significant bit (LSB) is whether We have to determine the top of the stack is determining whether or not there will be.

The remaining COND_LEXPOP () is a little strange movements. Current COND_P () to Back stack shift to the right and left. That is because under a two-bit For a bit of crushing to be trampled on.

MSB ← → LSB 
The initial value of 0 ... 0000000000 
... 0000000001 COND_PUSH (1) 
... 0000000010 COND_PUSH (0) 
... 0000000101 COND_PUSH (1) 
... 0000000011 COND_LEXPOP () 
... 0000000100 COND_PUSH (0) 
... 0000000010 COND_LEXPOP () 

This is what it is meant to explain later.

purpose of the survey

The purpose of this stack to check, COND_PUSH () COND_POP () using it to the entire list to try.

         | KWHILE (COND_PUSH (1);) expr_value do (COND_POP ();) 
         | KUNTIL (COND_PUSH (1);) expr_value do (COND_POP ();) 
         | KFOR block_var kIN (COND_PUSH (1);) expr_value do (COND_POP ();) 
       case '(': 
         COND_PUSH (0); 
         CMDARG_PUSH (0); 
       case '[': 
         COND_PUSH (0); 
         CMDARG_PUSH (0); 
       case '(': 
         COND_PUSH (0); 
         CMDARG_PUSH (0); 
       case ']': 
       case ')': 
       case ')': 
         COND_LEXPOP (); 
         CMDARG_LEXPOP (); 

This follows from the law to find.

The sort of Uses comes out. cond_stack also named one of the same level as a conditional expression Whether the decision must have a macro (Figure 2).

Figure 2: COND_P () transition

The gimmick of the following may also be able to cope.

while (m do .... end) # do the iterator do (kDO) 

It is a 32-bit machines long long If there are no conditions or the expression in parentheses 32-per-level nested in a strange It's possible. Although the Fair Not so much from the nest actual harm is imminent.

Also COND_LEXPOP () definition is kind of strange thing is that I was, I guess 対策らしいprefetching. It is good that the current rules to prevent prefetching Because of the POP and LEXPOP There is no meaning to separate. In other words At this time " COND_LEXPOP () would have no meaning" the interpretation is correct.



This issue is very confusing. This was to pass ruby 1.7 to Became, it's fairly recent story. What is that……

call (expr) + 1 


(call (expr)) + 1 
call ((expr) + 1) 

Whether or interpretation of the story. Previously the former All are being treated like Hoops. That is always parentheses "method arguments in parentheses." But ruby 1.7, as the latter now being processed. This means the space is in parentheses " expr brackets".

Why did you change your interpretation, let me introduce an example. First I wrote the following statement.

p m () + 1 

If there is no problem so far. But m was actually returns to scale, multi-digit number of SU GITATOSHIYOU. So when you view it for a whole number.

p m () + 1. to_i #?? 

Darn, parentheses are needed.

p (m () + 1). to_i 

This is not to be interpreted? Up to 1.6, which is

(p (m () + 1)). to_i 

Said. This means putting a long-awaited to_i What is the meaning they no longer exist. This is not it. The space between parentheses but only with the special treatment is expr brackets to the Of.

Self-study for those who want to keep writing, This change was implemented parse.y revision 1.100 (2001-05-31). 1.99 and that's why we take a look at the differences between the relatively straightforward. This difference is to take command.

~ / src / ruby% cvs diff-r1.99-r1.100 parse.y 


First, how the system works in reality if you look at it. Attached Tools ruby-lexer \ footnote ( ruby-lexer : The accompanying CD-ROM tools / ruby-lexer.tar.gz ) a Using string corresponding to the program are to be checked.

% Ruby-lexer-e 'm (a)' 

-e is ruby program as well as the option to pass directly from the command line. You can use it to try a lot. First problem, the first argument is that parenthetical.

% Ruby-lexer-e 'm (a)' 

入れたらopen spaces in parentheses symbol tLPAREN_ARG . Fair incidentally, let us also take a look at the expression in parentheses.

% Ruby-lexer-e '(a)' 

The ceremony is usually in parentheses tLPAREN like.

I put it all together.

enter open parenthesis symbol
m (a) '('

That is how we distinguish between these three are the focus. This is particularly tLPAREN_ARG is important.


an argument

First meekly yylex () -'(' look at the section.

yylex - '('

3841 case '(': 
3842 command_start = Qtrue; 
3843 if (lex_state == EXPR_BEG | | lex_state == EXPR_MID) ( 
3844 c = tLPAREN; 
3846 else if (space_seen) ( 
3847 if (lex_state == EXPR_CMDARG) ( 
3848 c = tLPAREN_ARG; 
3850 else if (lex_state == EXPR_ARG) ( 
3851 c = tLPAREN_ARG; 
3852 = last_id; 
3855 COND_PUSH (0); 
3856 CMDARG_PUSH (0); 
3857 lex_state = EXPR_BEG; 
3858 return c; 


The first if is tLPAREN So the usual formula in parentheses. The criterion is lex_state is BEG or MID , that is absolutely the beginning when the ceremony.

The next space_seen parentheses is the "blank whether there is any" respectively. Spaces, and lex_state is ARG or CMDARG That is when the first argument…… Ago, the symbol '(' well as tLPAREN_ARG said. This is such an example If you can not eliminate.

m (# parentheses before the space is no method parentheses ('(')…… 
m arg, (#…… except the first argument of expression in parentheses (tLPAREN) 

tLPAREN or tLPAREN_ARG But if no input characters c still Used '(' said. It's going to be a method call parentheses.

Such a symbolic level, to distinguish it from the sea on the other hand, the normal rules of writing Avoid collision. Simplify writing to the following will be.

stmt: command_call 

method_call: tIDENTIFIER '(' args') '/ * usual method * / 

command_call: tIDENTIFIER command_args / * * method omitted parentheses / 

command_args: args 

args: arg 
              : Args', 'arg 

arg: primary 

primary: tLPAREN compstmt ')' / * * usual formula parentheses / 
              | TLPAREN_ARG expr ')' / * parenthetical first argument * / 
              | Method_call 

method_call and command_call attention to the other. If tLPAREN_ARG without introducing '(' and leave, command_args and args out, args and arg out, arg and primary out, and tLPAREN_ARG away from '(' came out method_call collided with it (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: method_call and command_call

More than two


Now is a good parentheses tLPAREN_ARG in this BATCHIRI, or so someone thought In fact, it is not. For example, the following cases: How would it be.

m (a, a, a) 

Such expressions have been treated as the method calls have been so Had errors. But tLPAREN_ARG will be introduced and open parentheses expr in parentheses, because two or more argument for the Perth and error. Considering the compatibility considerations must be managed.

But without thinking

command_args: tLPAREN_ARG args') ' 

, That rule would be simply to add the collision. Look at the whole think ?

stmt: command_call 
              | Expr 

expr: arg 

command_call: tIDENTIFIER command_args 

command_args: args 
              | TLPAREN_ARG args') ' 

args: arg 
              : Args', 'arg 

arg: primary 

primary: tLPAREN compstmt ')' 
              | TLPAREN_ARG expr ')' 
              | Method_call 

method_call: tIDENTIFIER '(' args') ' 

command_args 's first look at the rules. args from arg is out. arg from primary is out. From there tLPAREN_ARG rules out. And expr is arg , including the deployment, depending on how

command_args: tLPAREN_ARG arg ')' 
              | TLPAREN_ARG arg ')' 

The situation. That is, reduce / reduce conflict and very bad.

Then how do it without collision only deal with two or more arguments? The possessive but not limited to just write. Reality is as follows resolved.


command_args: open_args 

open_args: call_args 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG ')' 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG call_args2 ')' 

call_args: command 
                 | Args opt_block_arg 
                 | Args', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Assocs', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Args', 'assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Args', 'assocs',' tSTAR arg opt_block_arg 
                 | TSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Block_arg 

call_args2: arg_value ',' args opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' args', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Assocs', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' args', 'assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' assocs', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' args', 'assocs',' 
                                   tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | TSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Block_arg 

primary: literal 
                 | Strings 
                 | Xstring 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG expr ')' 

You can command_args followed by another one stage, open_args is thatはさまっ But the same rules. This open_args The second third of the key rules are concerned Be. This form is similar to the just-written examples, but subtly different. It is call_args2 that have introduced it. This call_args2 and is characterized by words UTO, the argument is always two or more. Most of the evidence rules ',' in itself. The exception is assocs , but the rules, expr from assocs is out No leverage assocs collision is not the first place.

NIKUKATTA description is rather straightforward. A little plain speaking,

command_args: call_args 

Not only do not go through grammar, with the following rules that add. So "do not go through the rules of grammar" is what I think about it. The conflict is call_args the top tLPAREN_ARG - primary will come only when Because of the limited to " TIDENTIFIER tLPAREN_ARG The order came as the only rule is Do not go through grammar "I think about it. Some cite an example.

m (a, a) 

This is tLPAREN_ARG list of two or more elements there.

m () 

Conversely, tLPAREN_ARG in the list is empty.

m (* args) 
m (& block) 
m (k => v) 

tLPAREN_ARG list of the specific method calls ( expr is not) Have representation.

Roughly around the cover. Implementation and in light of Let's see.

open_args (1)

open_args: call_args 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG ')' 

First, the rule is to check a list of corresponding.

open_args (2)

                 | TLPAREN_ARG call_args2 ')' 

call_args2: arg_value ',' args opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' args', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Assocs', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' args', 'assocs opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' assocs', 'tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Arg_value ',' args', 'assocs',' 
                                   tSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | TSTAR arg_value opt_block_arg 
                 | Block_arg 

And the call_args2 , and a list of two or more elements, assocs and An array of passing, blocking and special-delivery to include dealing with. This is a considerable scope to respond to.



Previous calls to the section on specific methods of expression is "almost ready" and said cover The reasons for this. This is not iterator is uncovered. For example, the following sentence like water.

m (a) {....} 
m (a) do .... end 

The point of this section is introduced in efforts to resolve the突っこんsection, let's see.

level of resolution rules

First look at the rules. It has already appeared before the rules just because do_block around to watch them.


command_call: command 
                 | Block_command 

command: operation command_args 

command_args: open_args 

open_args: call_args 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG ')' 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG call_args2 ')' 

block_command: block_call 

block_call: command do_block 

do_block: kDO_BLOCK opt_block_var compstmt ')' 
                 | TLBRACE_ARG opt_block_var compstmt ')' 

do , ( is both radically new symbol kDO_BLOCK and tLBRACE_ARG in the world. Why kDO and '{' does not. That's the moment when you try a shot, Well, that's all, kDO_BLOCK and kDO to, tLBRACE_ARG and '{' and yacc , Treated him. Then……

% Yacc parse.y 
conflicts: 2 shift / reduce, 6 reduce / reduce 

Collision with abandon. Investigating the cause of the following statements.

m (a), b {....} 

Because this form of sentence has been through already. b {....} is primary said. There are blocks m and consolidated rules to add, however,

m ((a), b) {....} 
m ((a), (b {....})) 

The two were able to interpret it, a collision. This is 2 shift / reduce conflict.

The other is do in end -related. This is

m ((a)) do .... end # block_call do have to add end 
m ((a)) do .... end # primary do have to add end 

The two collided. This is 6 reduce / reduce conflict.

( in ) iterator

Now for the production. Just as you saw, do and '{' symbol of change in Conflict is avoided. yylex () -'{' look at the section.

yylex - '{'

3884 case '(': 
3885 if (IS_ARG () | | lex_state == EXPR_END) 
3886 c = '('; / * block (primary) * / 
3887 else if (lex_state == EXPR_ENDARG) 
3888 c = tLBRACE_ARG; / * block (expr) * / 
3889 else 
3890 c = tLBRACE; / * hash * / 
3891 COND_PUSH (0); 
3892 CMDARG_PUSH (0); 
3893 lex_state = EXPR_BEG; 
3894 return c; 


IS_ARG () is


3104 # define IS_ARG () (lex_state == EXPR_ARG | | lex_state == EXPR_CMDARG) 


From the definition, EXPR_ENDARG when it is absolutely false. In other words lex_state is EXPR_ENDARG whenever the tLBRACE_ARG to it, EXPR_ENDARG transition that is all secret.


, EXPR_ENDARG How do you have been set? Assigned to someone grep him.

EXPR_ENDARG to transition

open_args: call_args 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG (lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG;) ')' 
                 | TLPAREN_ARG call_args2 (lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG;) ')' 

primary: tLPAREN_ARG expr (lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG;) ')' 

Funny. tLPAREN_ARG respond to close in parentheses after EXPR_ENDARG and transition If you know it is not really the ')' in front of the assignment . Other EXPR_ENDARG set to the point that I think grep and まくっhim, but no.

Maybe somewhere in the wrong way? Something completely different way lex_state changes that might be. For confirmation, rubylex-analyser , lex_state transition to try to visualize.

% Rubylex-analyser-e 'm (a) (nil)' 
                                               0: cond push 
                                               0: cmd push 
                                               1: cmd push - 
                                               0: cond lexpop 
                                               1: cmd lexpop 
                                               0: cond push 
                                              10: cmd push 
                                               0: cmd resume 
                                               0: cond lexpop 
                                               0: cmd lexpop 
EXPR_END "\ n" \ n EXPR_BEG 

It is divided into three major lines of yylex () state of transition, respectively. From the yylex () status before the middle of the two words in the text and symbols, The right is yylex () after lex_state .

The problem is a single line + EXPR_ENDARG as part of the out of the country. This is the parser Action is happening in that transition. According to the report, why? ')' after I read it in action EXPR_ENDARG to the transition And a good '{' is tLBRACE_ARG to the other. This is a matter of fact LALR (1) (1) to town to take advantage of (逆用) of the considerable skills of senior .


ruby-y use yacc PASAENJIN of movement that can be displayed by the minute. This is now using more detail to try to trace the parser.

% Ruby-yce 'm (a) (nil)' 2> & 1 | egrep '^ Reading | Reducing' 
Reducing via rule 1 (line 303), -> @ 1 
Reading a token: Next token is 304 (tIDENTIFIER) 
Reading a token: Next token is 340 (tLPAREN_ARG) 
Reducing via rule 446 (line 2234), tIDENTIFIER -> operation 
Reducing via rule 233 (line 1222), -> @ 6 
Reading a token: Next token is 304 (tIDENTIFIER) 
Reading a token: Next token is 41 (')') 
Reducing via rule 392 (line 1993), tIDENTIFIER -> variable 
Reducing via rule 403 (line 2006), variable -> var_ref 
Reducing via rule 256 (line 1305), var_ref -> primary 
Reducing via rule 198 (line 1062), primary -> arg 
Reducing via rule 42 (line 593), arg -> expr 
Reducing via rule 260 (line 1317), -> @ 9 
Reducing via rule 261 (line 1317), tLPAREN_ARG expr @ 9 ')' -> primary 
Reading a token: Next token is 344 (tLBRACE_ARG) 

Interrupted only by a compilation -c options and from the command line program Give -e with a combination. And grep token, reading and reporting only the reduction Extract.

So we started to look at the middle of the list. ')' is being loaded. Resona Then the last…… how you look at it, we finally embedded Action ( @ 9 ) reduction is going on (running). This is certainly ')' after '{' before EXPR_ENDARG to be set. However, this is always going to happen - ? Where once again set to look at.

Rule 1 tLPAREN_ARG (lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG;) ')' 
Rule 2 tLPAREN_ARG call_args2 (lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG;) ')' 
Rule 3 tLPAREN_ARG expr (lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG;) ')' 

Action rules are embedded as a substitute check can be. For example Rule 1 as an example and take an entirely without changing the meaning of the following rewrite.

target: tLPAREN_ARG tmp ')' 
                 lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG; 

I tmp and before the end of one-minute mark is the possibility of being prefetched Since the (empty) tmp to read the following SURINUKE is certainly possible. And, absolutely prefetching know if it will happen, lex_state is the assignment ')' after EXPR_ENDARG to ensure that change. This rule is ')' prefetching is absolutely going to be?

prefetching guarantee

This is, in fact credible. Following three to take the input.

m () (nil) # A 
m (a) (nil) # B 
m (a, b, c) (nil) # C 

Incidentally the rules a little easier to read (but without changing the situation) rewritten.

rule1: tLPAREN_ARG e1 ')' 
rule2: tLPAREN_ARG one_arg e2 ')' 
rule3: tLPAREN_ARG more_args e3 ')' 

e1: / * empty * / 
e2: / * empty * / 
e3: / * empty * / 

First of all, type A's.

m (# ... tLPAREN_ARG 

Until I read it e1 come before. If e1 to the reduction of those Another rule is to choose the other for the e1 to the reduction rule1 or commit suicide, Or other rules to make choices in order to make sure this happens prefetching. Therefore input rule1 If you are sure to meet ')' of the prefetched.

Then the B input. First

m (# ... tLPAREN_ARG 

We will, until I just read-ahead to take the same reason. And

m (a # ... tLPAREN_ARG '(' tIDENTIFIER 

I just also to foresee. Because the next ',' or ')', or rule2 and rule3 divide. If ',' This argument would have only a comma delimited Will not immediately think of more than two arguments, namely rule3 and determinism. If you are Mere a , but if だっliteral or "93" orだっthe same thing. The input has been completed at rule2 and rule3 to differentiate, namely Arguments over whether an argument or two to differentiate prefetching happens.

In this case, all the rules ')' before the (separate) and embedded in Action It is rather important. Action is the first time, it would no longer run the floor Resona standing returns, the parser is "absolutely certain" until the situation of action I try to delay the execution. That is why one of those read-ahead to create a situation If you are not the parser generation must be eliminated, which means it is "collision".

How? Input C.

m (a, b, c 

I have come here at rule3 is not only possible, prefetching is like me Down.

However, it does not work. The following is '(' If the method call it, ',' or ')', Do we have to refer to variable. So this is embedded in a reduction of Action See the argument for a firm element of prefetching happens.

And other input, what of it? The third method calls for example, the argument is I would doubt it.

m (a, b, c (....) # ... ',' method_call 

All in all, it is necessary prefetching. Because, you ',' or ')' or reducible to shift and Former divide. So, this rule will eventually be embedded in every case Action Run faster than ')' was read. Very confusing. I came up with a sense of well - The motion.

By the way embedded in the action instead of the usual action lex_state set You can not? Thus, for example.

                 | TLPAREN_ARG ')' (lex_state = EXPR_ENDARG;) 

This is wrong. Because of the reduction before the action (and) will happen prefetching May be. Prefetching is now out of them backfired. This thing Were seen, LALR parser prefetching to turn to one's own is not quite a trick. Amateurs are not recommended.

do in end iterator

So far, ( in ) enumeration is still ready to deal with the do in end left iterator . Iterators in the same manner as if he could handle, but it is different. ( in ) and do in end will have different priorities. For example follows.

m a, b {....} # m (a, (b {....})) 
m a, b do .... end # m (a, b) do .... end 

So of course deal with different approaches are appropriate.

But, of course, deal with the same case as it goes. For example, the following cases: Both will be the same.

m (a) {....} 
m (a) do .... end 

Just take a look at it in kind. do So, yylex () reservation should I word this time.

yylex - identifier - a reserved word - do

4183 if (kw-> id [0] == kDO) ( 
4184 if (COND_P ()) return kDO_COND; 
4185 if (CMDARG_P () & & state! = EXPR_CMDARG) 
4186 return kDO_BLOCK; 
4187 if (state == EXPR_ENDARG) 
4188 return kDO_BLOCK; 
4189 return kDO; 


This time looking at kDO_BLOCK and kDO to distinguish only a portion. kDO_COND that has taken ETE is not. Scanner with a state where it is always concerned to see.

First EXPR_ENDARG part is determined using tLBRACE_ARG same situation. This difference in priorities when it is irrelevant '{' in the same kDO_BLOCK to It is appropriate.

The problem is the previous CMDARG_P () and EXPR_CMDARG . Let's turn to look at.



   91 static stack_type cmdarg_stack = 0; 
   92 # define CMDARG_PUSH (n) (cmdarg_stack = (cmdarg_stack <<1) | ((n) & 1)) 
   93 # define CMDARG_POP () (cmdarg_stack>> = 1) 
   94 # define CMDARG_LEXPOP () do (\ 
   95 int last = CMDARG_P (); \ 
   96 cmdarg_stack>> = 1; \ 
   97 if (last) cmdarg_stack | = 1; \ 
   98) while (0) 
   99 # define CMDARG_P () (cmdarg_stack & 1) 


In this way cmdarg_stack structure and interface (Macro) cond_stack exactly the same. Bitwise stack. Mono is the same It will also investigate how to get the same class. Using it to try to list the location U. First Action in

command_args: ( 
                         $  $ = cmdarg_stack; 
                         CMDARG_PUSH (1); 
                         / * CMDARG_POP () * / 
                         cmdarg_stack = $  1; 
                         $ $ = $ 2; 

It was.

$ $ force is left with the cast The mean value. In this case it is embedded with a value of the action itself To come out, the next action is $ 1 to be fetched. In other words cmdarg_stack and open_args in front of $$ diverted to the return to action, and I do not have a structure.

Why not just push pop and a return to the evacuation. It is described in this paragraph at the end.

Also yylex () in CMDARG relationship and the next thing is to find見付かった.

'(' '[''{' CMDARG_PUSH (0)
')' ']''}' CMDARG_LEXPOP ()

This means that if there's KUKURA parentheses within parentheses in the meantime the CMDARG_P () is false, It.

Both together and think, command_args method that is called self-omitted parentheses The number in parentheses when not to KUKURA CMDARG_P () it is true.


Then another condition, EXPR_CMDARG investigate. Find a routine street EXPR_CMDARG transition to the location to find out.

yylex - identifier - the state transition

4201 if (lex_state == EXPR_BEG | | 
4202 lex_state == EXPR_MID | | 
4203 lex_state == EXPR_DOT | | 
4204 lex_state == EXPR_ARG | | 
4205 lex_state == EXPR_CMDARG) ( 
4206 if (cmd_state) 
4207 lex_state = EXPR_CMDARG; 
4208 else 
4209 lex_state = EXPR_ARG; 
4211 else ( 
4212 lex_state = EXPR_END; 


This is yylex () in dealing with the identifier code. UJAUJA and lex_state test is not as well leave, cmd_state is the first category. What is this?


3106 static int 
3107 yylex () 
3109 static ID last_id = 0; 
3110 register int c; 
3111 int space_seen = 0; 
3112 int cmd_state; 
3114 if (lex_strterm) ( 
               / *…… Snip…… * / 
3133 cmd_state = command_start; 
3134 command_start = Qfalse; 


yylex local variables. And grep looked to the value of the change It is only here. This means that command_start and yylex save only once during the It's just a temporary variable.

, command_start when what is true?


2327 static int command_start = Qtrue; 

2334 static NODE * 
2335 yycompile (f, line) 
2336 char * f; 
2337 int line; 
2380 command_start = 1; 

       static int 
       yylex () 
             case '\ n': 
               / *…… Snip…… * / 
3165 command_start = Qtrue; 
3166 lex_state = EXPR_BEG; 
3167 return '\ n'; 

3821 case ';': 
3822 command_start = Qtrue; 

3841 case '(': 
3842 command_start = Qtrue;

command_start is parse.y static variable, " \ N; (" one of the scan and true, and understandable.

Put together so far. First, " \ n; (" read a command_start is true, Next yylex () between cmd_state is true.

And yylex () , cmd_state I had to use code,

yylex - identifier - the state transition

4201 if (lex_state == EXPR_BEG | | 
4202 lex_state == EXPR_MID | | 
4203 lex_state == EXPR_DOT | | 
4204 lex_state == EXPR_ARG | | 
4205 lex_state == EXPR_CMDARG) ( 
4206 if (cmd_state) 
4207 lex_state = EXPR_CMDARG; 
4208 else 
4209 lex_state = EXPR_ARG; 
4211 else ( 
4212 lex_state = EXPR_END; 


" \ N; ( after EXPR_BEG MID DOT ARG CMDARG state when read identifier MUTO EXPR_CMDARG transition "he said. But \ n; ( After the SOMO SOMO lex_state is EXPR_BEG only be so, EXPR_CMDARG if the transition to Has lex_state is not very meaningful. lex_state is limited EXPR_ARG for transition It's just important.

Now, more than reflect and EXPR_CMDARG of situation is possible. For example, the following situations. Under the current position of the bar.

m _ 
m (m _ 
m m _ 


Here do 's decision to go back to code.

yylex - identifier - a reserved word - kDO - kDO_BLOCK

4185 if (CMDARG_P () & & state! = EXPR_CMDARG) 
4186 return kDO_BLOCK; 


Back in parentheses call the method of argument, and not when the first argument before. It is command_call after the second argument. So this kind of footage.

m arg, arg do .... end 
m (arg), arg do .... end 

Why EXPR_CMDARG to eliminate if it has to do with…… you'll find examples of writing.

m do .... end 

This pattern is already primary being defined, kDO to use do in end ITE Lifting regulators. So in this case also included a collision with them.

facts and the truth

I thought at the end? Is not the end yet. Certainly that is a complete logic, but it is correct, I wrote that story. In fact, this section is one of lies.

Rather than lies not say what exactly? It is CMDARG_P () I wrote about this part.

Apparently, command_args parenthesis means that during abbreviatory argument method calls If you are CMDARG_P () is true.

"Back in parentheses methods to be used when calling argument……" he said, Argument "" Where is it? Again rubylex-analyser with I try to ensure strict.

% Rubylex-analyser-e 'm a, a, a, a;' 
                                               1: cmd push - 
                                               0: cmd resume 

Right field, " 1: cmd push-" where there is cmd_stack to push. Resona Line under a single digit number is 1 when CMDARG_P () is true. In other words CMDARG_P () , Is a time

Back in parentheses method calls immediately after the first argument The last argument to mark the end of the next


But it's really true but strictly speaking it is not yet. For example, the following example.

% Rubylex-analyser-e 'm a (), a, a;' 
                                               1: cmd push - 
                                               0: cond push 
                                              10: cmd push 
                                               0: cond lexpop 
                                               1: cmd lexpop 
                                               0: cmd resume 

The first argument in the first reading at the time of termination symbol CMDARG_P () is truly It. Therefore

Back in parentheses method invocation of the first argument Immediately after the first sign of the end of the last argument to mark the end of the next

Is the complete answer.

The fact is what you mean? But I want to recall, CMDARG_P () to Such codes are used.

yylex - identifier - a reserved word - kDO - kDO_BLOCK

4185 if (CMDARG_P () & & state! = EXPR_CMDARG) 
4186 return kDO_BLOCK; 


EXPR_CMDARG is " command_call arguments before the first", in the sense that it excluded . However, CMDARG_P () is already included in the meaning of that? That is the final conclusion of this section is this.

EXPR_CMDARG is only a waste.

Indeed, this is when I found that it is in my crying. "Absolute Meaningful to the pair, something was wrong, "the source would patiently try to analyze theまくっ It do not know. But ultimately rubylex-analyser various Coe All in all, to try to de-まくっis no effect, so it is pointless to conclude.

ENEN meaning is not just a separate page and came to the breadwinner, but Instead, it possible to simulate conditions of the plan. The world None of the program is perfect and mistakes are included. At this year's. So it is a subtle addition is prone to mistakes. When the original "infallible "As I read this kind of mistake when he met HAMARU. So after all When you read the last SUKODO believed there was only the facts of what happened.

In this regard the importance of dynamic analysis is known to have said. And investigate I look for the facts first. Source code is a fact never say anything. There's nothing but a guess they are more human.

Pendulous all very fine and lessons of this chapter was rough at a long終わ Resona said.

did not end

One forgotten. CMDARG_P () That's why you have to get value This chapter is終われないmust explain. The problem is here.


1209 command_args: ( 
1210 $  $ = cmdarg_stack; 
1211 CMDARG_PUSH (1); 
1213 open_args 
1215 / * CMDARG_POP () * / 
1216 cmdarg_stack = $  1; 
1217 $ $ = $ 2; 

1221 open_args: call_args 


Conclusions from it and once again the influence of prefetching. command_args is always Following context.


It is, it is too variable to refer to the method calls too. Also Variable would have to refer variable , the method it calls operation return to If you do not. So should prefetching to determine the direction forward, so I can not Be. Thus command_args prefetching is beginning to happen is always the first argument The first sign after reading the termination CMDARG_PUSH () execution.

cmdarg_stack , POP and LEXPOP is also divided into the reasons here. Look at the following example.

% Rubylex-analyser-e 'm m (a), a' 
- e: 1: warning: parenthesize argument (s) for future version 
                                               1: cmd push - 
                                               0: cond push 
                                              10: cmd push 
                                             101: cmd push - 
                                               0: cond lexpop 
                                              11: cmd lexpop 
EXPR_ARG "\ n" \ n EXPR_BEG 
                                              10: cmd resume 
                                               0: cmd resume 

cmd relationship only to see the correspondence between him and we……

   1: cmd push-parser push (1) 
  10: cmd push push scanner 
101: cmd push-parser push (2) 
  11: cmd lexpop pop scanner 
  10: cmd resume parser pop (2) 
   0: cmd resume Hertha pop (1) 

" Cmd push-" at the end they would have been negative with the parser push . In other words push and pop have missed the correspondence between. Should push- twice in a row is going on the stack would be 110 but, because of prefetching 101 to a thousand. CMDARG_LEXPOP () is the way it's prepared to respond to this phenomenon For the last resort. Scanner in the first place is always 0 push now because, after scan Na is pop 's always supposed to be zero. There is zero if you do not, Par The service push was delayed because one believes in it. So its value to leave.

In other words, parser pop came at the stack is already back to normalcy It should be. So I really did not normally pop that it's okay. I do not The acts, not just good, because I believe that.ポッ I can type $$ is out to save the return movement is the same. Especially if I stay We change the filter to consider how to change the behavior and prefetching do not know. Only This problem may also occur in the future be banned in the grammar that has been decided (that's why There are a warning). No such thing to you through a variety of ideas to deal with the The bone. So the real ruby is this a good implementation of that, I think.

This is really resolved.

The original work is Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Minero AOKI.
Translations,  additions,  and graphics by C.E. Thornton
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